What States Do Third Grade Reading Guarantee
Reading proficiently by the end of third grade has become a significant milestone in a student's educational trajectory as information technology marks the fourth dimension when the focus is placed on reading to learn instead of learning to read.
To encourage local schools and districts to accept this milestone seriously, several states have enacted legislation that requires students not reading proficiently by the end of third grade to be retained.
Other states have built legislation that allows for promotion to 4th form for non-good readers simply requires participation in intervention services, summer reading camps, demonstration of proficiency through a reading portfolio and/or many other standards.
This page is defended to providing current information on the myriad of land legislation that is related to third-course reading proficiency, including research, an interactive map, and additional resources.
In 2015, roughly 2 out of 3 4th graders failed to score proficient in reading. The percentages of not-adept readers are even college when looking at specific racial/ethnic groups: 82 percent of African-American fourth-graders were reading below proficiency, along with 79 and 78 pct of Latino and American-Indian students respectively.
Gaps in reading proficiency are also large between students who receive costless or reduced-price tiffin (a measure of family unit income), at 79 percent non-proficient compared to students who did not receive free or reduced-price dejeuner, at 48 percent non-adept.
Why is reading by the end of tertiary form so of import? Research has demonstrated that studentsnot reading proficiently at the end of tertiary grade are four times more than likely to not terminate high school. Further, the levels of reading proficiency for tertiary graders are linked to specific long-term outcomes: 23 per centum of beneath-basic readers neglect to end high schoolhouse, compared to 9 percentage of bones-scoring readers and four percentage of proficient readers.
Researchers have pointed out that unintended consequences of retentivity tin include increased costs for school districts (national boilerplate of $10,700 per retained student). Additionally, retention can negatively impact students' long-term achievement (i.east. high school graduation rates).
Instead, researchers have argued for policymakers to not approach third-grade reading equally a retention-promotion dichotomy, but in a more comprehensive manner by focusing on early identification and support well before tertiary grade.
State Legislation
States have approached third-grade reading legislation in a variety of ways: some require retention while others allow for promotion to fourth course with certain requirements and exemptions. The numbers and map beneath provide summaries and links to legislation at the state-level:
- Seventeen states, plus D.C., require retention for students not reading at proficiency by the terminate of third grade,14 of which let for conditional promotion. Run across practiced-cause exemptions beneath.
- Good-cause exemptions include: express English language proficient students (typically three or fewer years in an English language acquisition program), special education students, participating in an intervention, parent, principal or teacher recommendations, previous retention, demonstrating proficiency through a portfolio (student work demonstrating mastery of academic standards in reading), or passing an canonical alternative reading assessment
- Viii states allow for retention (or retention is a local determination), simply do non require it: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma and West Virginia.
- 2019 Legislative Sessions (introduced legislation): Kentucky HB 272 would require third graders not reading proficiently to be retained; Missouri HB 464 would allow for grade retention subsequent to fourth grade (currently not allowed) and Oklahoma Senate Bill 37 and Due south Carolina HB 3406 would finer remove retention requirements for 3rd graders non reading proficiently.
Source: https://www.ncsl.org/research/education/third-grade-reading-legislation.aspx
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